Contact Amy

Based in Columbus, Ohio, I serve clients locally while only teaching Positive Reinforcement and Force Free training.

Monday-Saturday: 10AM – 7PM

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to meeting you and your dog!

Contact Information


    Pet Sitting

    Puppy Training

    Adolescent Dog Training and Support

    Adult Dog Training and Enrichment

    Meet Amy

    My journey to becoming a dog trainer began in 2008 with my first self-trained standard chocolate poodle Pongo. He taught me unconditional love, patience, and perseverance. At that point, I knew working with dogs would be my lifelong career.

    Amy Tague
    Amy posing with a couple of dogs.

    My Approach

    With over 15 years of experience, I have developed an all-positive training style that is proactive, intentional, and kind. My technique involves using positive reinforcement and capturing behaviors for the best possible outcome, which places the responsibility on the dog and helps them gain confidence in different environments. To achieve this, I emphasize the importance of controlling the environment rather than the dog. I also teach you to read your dog’s body language to understand how they learn, which fosters trust, cooperation, and better behavior. My goal is to customize your training program according to your dog’s needs and unique situation.

    Change the Course of your Dog’s Life

    We all want our dogs to be well-behaved and fulfilled in every way. Changing behavior is possible when we give our dogs clear and positive guidance. No matter how difficult your current situation, there are things to improve and alleviate behavior, such as incessant, barking, separation anxiety, pulling on the leash, jumping up, poor, recall, not listening, anxiety, and biting.

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    – Jane Doe

    Amy's Pawsitive Dog Training